Recent Developments
Electric Vehicle Charging Station installed at SiD
Fast EV Charger in Desford Sport in Desford has just installed a double 22KW AC charging point at the front of the SiD site for public use Please tell any friends, colleagues or neighbours who might find this useful. Peckleton Lane, Desford, LE9 9JU The future is here...
Disabled ceiling hoist installed
In February 2019 SiD installed a bed and ceiling hoist for disabled users which is now regularly in...
55 new car parking spaces
Alongside the new sports courts that were completed in January 2019, the building of 55 new car parking spaces and widening of the access to the site was implemented in Dec 2018 allowing a much easier parking facility for our...
New Sports Courts development
The development of two new floodlit Sports Courts on the front overflow car park was completed in January 2019. The brand new courts operate by a electronic computer generated pin number that the general public or clubs can hire by logging onto the app or website....
Refurbishing the Squash Changing Rooms
Our Squash Court changing rooms were refurbished in 2018 and now offer a modern look for the members to...
Double Tennis Court Resurfacing
Double court ready to use Desford Lawn Tennis Club have seen their tennis courts being given a makeover. Two courts have been cleaned and resurfaced using a sand based acryclic binder and have been painted purple and green. The binder will give the tarmac an extended...
SiD installs ground breaking battery system
SiD installs ground breaking battery system Between 2012 and 2015 Sport in Desford (SiD) installed 176 solar panels on every available roof. of the SiD clubhouse, generating around 40,000 KWh p.a. Following the installing of LED lighting in main rooms, corridors and...
New Tennis Floodlights Installed!
At last we have been able to double up the floodlights on the old double tennis court. Our new court at the front of the site already has 6KW of lighting on a single court to match LTA recommendations. The older double court has only had 4KW across the 2 courts for...
Ceiling Insulation
Not the most exciting development, but still important. Between 18th and 20th January 2017, contractors Rockwarm Ltd installed an extra 150 mm of insulation above the existing 100 mm above the suspended ceilings across the whole of the first floor of the Clubhouse....
Unlock Your Potential
All levels of exercise from health related GP and Heartsmart referrals to high level performance and everything in between.
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