West Leicestershire U3A is an organisation for people who are retired or semi-retired with an aim of having fun while learning or pursuing interests. There is a monthly meeting held at Newbold Verdon Sports and Social Club and a wide range of interest groups meeting in different venues.
Two of our activity groups meet regularly at SiD:
- Table Tennis and New Age Kurling – 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month 10am to 12 noon.
All groups are relaxed and friendly and people share their knowledge and skills with each other.
You do need to be a member of West Leicestershire U3A to join a group, but visitors are always welcome. Why not come along and see if West Leicestershire U3A is for you?
For more information on these groups or other U3A activities please contact Roger Prescott on 07984 400605, by email at wlu3ainfo@gmail.com or visit our website at http://u3asites.org.uk/westleicestershire
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