Desford Bowls Club
Desford Bowls Club is a friendly and inclusive sports club situated at Sport in Desford.
We have teams in the Hinckley and the Coalville Triple Leagues, and this year we entered a team into the Over 60’s Coalville League. We play regular friendly matches in Leicestershire and have a packedprogramme of matches for next season. This year we had separate matches for ladies only.
We run internal leagues and knockout competitions for our membership. There is an afternoon setaside for members to have a ‘roll up’ and a ‘Chummie’ afternoon once a fortnight. This is usually on a Wednesday at 2pm, unless there is a match at home.
Each year we have a weekend away to Sheringham/Cromer for friendly matches and next year we have an added game to play against West Runton during the same weekend.
Contact - Gill Whatsize
Bowls Club Secretary
Email – sidbowls1@gmail.com
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