Table Tennis
We have an excellent provision for Table Tennis in the spacious and well lit Scout Hall with room for 6 tables in action at once.
The Junior Club runs as follows:
The sessions run every Friday from 6.00pm until 7.15pm
≠The cost of the session is now £3.00 per player
≠The sessions are for players aged from 8 to 16 years old.
Contact Andy Wright on 07748 251 546. Email:
Open sessions on Fridays and Tuesdays 2pm to 4pm at a fee of £1 per hour, so bring a friend and give it a try! 4 tables available in the Scout Hall.
Contact Jim Houghton 07967 353 790 Email – or Raymond Poon 07476761890 Email –
University of the 3rd Age
Sessions 10am to 12pm every Friday. Come along and give it a try in the Scout Hall and join later if you like it. For more information please contact Roger Prescott on 07984 400605, by email or visit our website at
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