Desford Striders Running Club celebrated its 30th anniversary in January 2021, having been founded in 1991.
In the very first club newsletter, the stated aim was “to bring together runners of differing age and experience to form a club that will appeal to marathon runners and complete beginners alike.” More than thirty years later, nothing has changed! Our objective remains the same and we now have over 200 members of all ages and abilities. We are an England Athletics affiliated running club offering friendly and supportive running.
For Desford Striders memberships:- Contact Graham : dsrc.membersec@gmail.com
For general enquiries:- dsrcinform@gmail.com or www.desfordstriders.co.uk

The Desford Flyers Junior Athletics Club runs on Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm. March-September on the Field next to Desford Primary School and September-March at Bosworth College in the gym near to the Drama Studio.We aim to encourage children of all abilities to take part in every aspect of athletics including running, jumping and throwing in a fun, informal format. Our sessions are aimed at age 8-12 but we do take children from age 5, younger siblings and those who can follow instruction. Please come along and try 2 sessions for free. Membership is then £20 for a year with discount for siblings and £1 per weekly session. There is no commitment to attend every week. We do enter into competitions but there is no pressure for children to take part, we aim for everyone to have fun and enjoy being active.
Enquiries and contact info at www.desfordflyersac.co.uk
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