Past Awards
Simon Goodman wins Volunteer of the Year
TV sports reporter Mark Shardlow together with Borough Sporting Champion Councillor Peter Wallace were the special guests at this year's Hinckley and Bosworth Sports and Health Alliance Awards evening at the end of November 2016. They presented the Adult Volunteer of...
Desford Football Club Award!
Desford FC named Charter Standard Community club of the year 2016 !! Great recognition of the work being done by all at Desford Football Club Desford FC are pleased to announce that the club has been awarded the title of Charter Standard Community Club of the year by...
Jim and Sue Awarded British Empire Medals
On Saturday it was officially announced that Jim and Sue Houghton, founders, chair and development officer of Sport in Desford have each been awarded a British Empire Medal for services to sport in the Queens Birthday honors list. [su_divider top="no"...
Harry Again
Another award for Harry! Following Harry Matty's success in winning the Leicestershire LTA Volunteer of the year award in March 2016, he then went forward to the Regional LTA awards. We are delighted to report that Harry went onto win the Regional LTA Volunteer of the...
Winners at the recent County Tennis Awards
Tennis players and volunteers from Hinckley & Bosworth were well represented at the AEGON Leicestershire Lawn Tennis Association Awards evening.
Harry Bell
The St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Hinckley pupil won the Virgin Active Search for a Star 2015 tennis competition which had more than 1,000 entries
Olympic preperations
The Mayor of Hinckley & Bosworth visiting SiD in 2011 anticipating the Olympics in the following year.
Inspired facilities grant
In 2012 SiD was awarded an Inspired Facilities grant of £50,000 from Sport England largely towards the building of the 3rd Tennis Court. The cheque was presented to SiD by our local MP, David Tredinnick.
Sports Personality of the Year (SPOTY) Award
Jim and Sue Houghton were awarded the national Unsung Hero award at the Sports Personality of the Year Show in December 2012, representing all the work done by the many volunteers that support SiD. [box type="download"]Jim and Sue On the...
Our Harry wins award
A truly inspirational evening, the only of its kind anywhere in the UK, the Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) Oldest Athlete Celebration Event was held on UK Older Persons Day October 1st 2012 to celebrate the achievements of senior sports people, volunteers...
Harry Matty wins volunteer of the Year!
Harry is a fantastic role model; he gives freely of his time to support players of all ages at Desford Lawn Tennis Clubduring coaching, matches and informal club sessions. His enthusiasm is highly infectious and always makes participants feel they can achieve what is...
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